In a utopian world we as people would always be happy and in love. Living our lives full of passion and never experiencing heart break. Since this world does not exist we probably won't always be happy and some might never experience a lasting love. Passion in my opinion comes in all varieties. We can be passionate about anything such as art, travel, history or our very journey through life. I would like to explore the reality of passion. Embracing our own truth and the reality that it is a precious gift to be alive and to love and be loved.
Passion = Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.
Women in my opinion are extremely passionate people and expect the same from their male companions. But lets be honest gals, when is the last time a man rode up on a white horse to sweep you off your feet?
Wait what? This doesn't actually happen? Thank's a lot Disney!
So here we are in the daily grind of our lives. If you have children you absolutely live in beautiful chaos but chaos none the less.It has been said that a person can't truly understand the change that happens in your life after having children until one has their own. Even good changes can be challenges. I believe one of the biggest challenges and my focus for the day is the relationship between you and your sweetheart. Especially after having children.
Oh yes this can happen to you my friends.....
So how do we keep our lives full of passion and romance when we are just trying to survive the chaos?
I am in no way officially qualified to answer this question. That being said I will do my best to provide my thoughts on this matter because I have recieved many emails from blog readers thinking I am capable of this type of advice.
So here goes..............
After some time has passed in a relationship people start taking eachother for granted. They stop doing the little things that they did in the beginning to win that persons affection and appreciation. try to think about your partner as much as possible the way you did in the beginning. Besides just an adoration for your partners qualities as a human being passion also comes from sexual attraction. Much of this sexual passion is lost after the birth of children. A woman is tired and even if she musters up enough energy to please her partner she may very well lack enthusiasm. It is pretty much to be expected that during the first few years of a childs life there is not going to be very much time to nurture your relationship with your love. I believe that when a child becomes a little more independent it's important for a couple to start investing more energy into their relationship again.
Men and women are creatures of habit. Make it a habit to explore your partners desires. A man wants to feel masculine and a woman feminine. Embrace that for the raw animal nature that it is. Most men feel particularly masculine when they can support their woman and make her happy, recieve her gratitude and feel needed and wanted. Most women feel feminine when they feel supported, understood and safe to relax and let go.
Most women in modern society feel their is too much pressure on them with a job, children, and housework that they feel they can't relax and feel supported. This kind of resentment usually brings on what men traditionally refer to as "nagging." On the male side of this it is easy for a man to not feel as masculine as they would like. Traditional roles that men have taken in the past to support their women have been reduced in today's society.
I'm in no way saying we need to go back to a time when the roles of a man and woman were very clear and defined. I am saying that given our changes in society and family dynamics we need to be aware of all aspects of our relationships and figure out how to make ourselves and our partners feel needed and in that passion can thrive.
Ah ha ha ha right!
The best thing to do is talk to your partner. Ask them what makes them feel appreciate and supported. In turn tell them the things that make you feel appreciated and supported. Then it's time to set the standard for your relationship. Now if the standard is your man wants you to dress up in a giant furry squirell costume and juggle his nuts then well that is just an issue for a different blog on a different day!
Bwa ha ha ha
Yeah, that just happened.........................
Truth be told some couples just aren't meant to be together and that is no one in particulars fault usually. It may just be a lack of connection or many other various factors that in the end can often lead to a break up. Try to notice your partners good intentions even if the behavior is not one that you would prefer. Being direct is also a good way to communicate to your partner exactly what you need or want. Many times misunderstandings could have easily been prevented with solid communication. Do things that you did in the beginning. Men if you kissed your woman on the forehead in the beginning do it forever. She will appreciate it trust me. Women do the loving things you did for your man in the beginning as well. Changing the dynamics of your relationship could cause a new fresh approach to life. You can see things through new eyes. There are two relationships that a couple need to be aware of and nurture. The co-parenting relationship and the relationship with their partner. Both need to be cherished and nurtured in different ways.
So shave your legs ladies and throw on some heels and get ummm...... Communicating.....:)
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