Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bling Bling It's a v thing!

This is a post about the vagina. Yes friends the vagina.

I want to take a few minutes and explore the lengths women go to when grooming their vagina. We women wax our lady zone, shave it, trim it and even color it. This takes time, costs money and is painful!

As if these adventures were not enough some douche canoe came up with Vajazzling and Feathered Vaginas!

Feathered Vagina: The act of having feathers glued onto your vagina for aesthetic purposes.

You too can have your pussy look like a peacock for around one hundred bucks!

Since when did it become hot to glue feathers on your downstairs?
 I am truly baffled by this trend.

Vajazzling:The act of applying glitter and jewels to a womans bikini area for aesthetic purposes.
So let me get this straight I need to bedazzle my naughty bits to make them enticing for my hubby? In my opinion Both women and men's naughty bits are not very attractive body parts. I don't think sticking feathers or gems on a vagina will make it any more attractive.

Gone are the day's of the hairy beaver but........

What about one of these neat and tidy options?
In conclusion I think any man that comes across a feathered lady V may want to question her sanity before diving into that birds nest........
Think about it